Do you believe it’s possible to gather such money during the crisis times?

Our campaign is based on charity and good will. Any donations or help are not based on time, financial crisis or weather conditions. People helped each other for ages, and nothing can stop this. All of those who make an impact do it from heart, not from wallet.

Why the building is so large? Why not make just 2 floors and reduce the cost?

We can’t build something new every year, and the project is planned for centuries ahead. Therefore, let’s make the maximum impact. There are several project which require extra space for years.

Are there so many Jews in Ulyanovsk? For whom the centre is being built?

Around 5 000 Jews live in Ulyanovsk. But here a federal organization, Russian Jewish Youth Congress, was born. It has offices in 50 regions of Russia. Basing on the new building we will create the educational centre focused on teaching academic Judaism to the youth from all other regions. After graduating, young people will receive diplomas of Israeli universities.
Our cities is loved by Jews all around the Volga region for excellent organization of Shabbat, lectures, winter and summer camps for children.
Jewish Cultural Centre is a platform for multinational dialogue, Sunday school, Khesed, youth club and many other projects which we plan to complete with your help.

What do those who support your project get in return?

We are a charity project, so first of people donate for moral and spiritual reasons.
Still, we work closely with the list of our supporters. When the centre will open, all people will be listed inside on one of the walls, no matter what the sum is.

Is there any program for sponsors?

We do have the advisory board. Anyone can take part and become a member in order to speak on a business language.

Will all money be lost in case the building is not raised on time?

А journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, as the proverb says. It took us more than a year to create a website and it’s meant to be open and transparent.
All the steps we take to raise funds and complete the project are described here.

Don’t you think it would be better to give the money to the ones in need (elderly, children with diseases etc)?

That’s what we already do within our community. Our project is the foundation and investment for the future. There will be a large charity centre for people with disabilities, children and elderly people.

Does the project have any time limits?

We believe that we’ll manage to complete the building by 2018.

Can we place an advertisement or a fundraising campaign on your website?

We don’t see much sense in doing so since there are special crowdfunding portals like or
Speaking of advertisement, we are open for co-operation, you can get in touch with us using Contacts section.

Don’t some well-known businessmen, especially related to building industry, can help?

This is a very popular question, however, we suggest starting with ourselves.
We are already supported by some businessmen, and we are grateful to them. We also plan to attract more of them, however, that’s much easier to talk to large funds or indnviduals when they see common people (young and old) who care and make their own impact.

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