Seder Passover

Dear friends!

For the first time in 30 years of our community’s work, we refused to hold a public Easter Seider in connection with the current situation, because one of the most important commandments is to preserve health and life, as the highest gift of the Almighty.

Keeping Passover is not only the most important commandment, but also a wonderful family tradition, so let’s use this situation to communicate with loved ones and spiritual growth.
Preparation for Passover begins with cleaning the house. We have prepared very detailed instructions. If you have any questions, we will be happy to explain everything.

Easter seders are held on the first two days of the holiday — the first on April 8 after lighting candles at 19.19, the second on April 9 after 20.35. For a seider, you need matzo, wine or grape juice, a boiled egg, sheets of bitter greens, horseradish, a slice of onion or boiled potatoes, a mixture of grated apples, pears and nuts with red wine. All information about the preparation and conduct of the seider is in the Brief Easter Agad.

For any question regarding preparation for Passover, you can contact me by phone 8-960-372-76-13 or come in person and purchase wine and matzoh.
I wish you all kosher Passover!

Chairman of the Ulyanovsk community
Dabakarov I.A.