General Provisions
1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) establishes the procedure and conditions for the use of all functions and services of the Internet resource evreiul.com (hereinafter referred to as the Platform).

1.2. The agreement was developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. This Agreement in accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a written public offer of the Public Organization «Ulyanovsk Regional Jewish National Cultural Autonomy» (OO «URENKA»), OGRN 1037301682978, INN / KPP 7325043641/732501001, address (location): 432063 , Ulyanovsk region, city Ulyanovsk, Lenin street, house 105 (hereinafter — URENKA). Unconditional acceptance by the User of this Agreement (acceptance by the User of this offer in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) is the use of any functions and services of the Platform.

1.4. The terms of this Agreement can only be accepted by the User in full. Partial refusal to comply with the terms of the Agreement is not allowed.

1.5. The User’s reference to ignorance of the terms of this Agreement and its addenda is not grounds for the User’s failure to perform this Agreement. All actions performed by the User on the Platform are deemed to be actions of a person acquainted with the terms of this Agreement and its addenda and having accepted this Agreement. In the event of disagreement with the Agreement, the User must refuse to use the Platform.

1.6. The agreement is addressed to any capable natural person, if the User is not such, then he is obliged not to use the Platform (including if the User at the time of using the Platform has not reached adulthood).

1.7. The functions and services presented on the pages of the Platform are provided «as is» and can not be changed in accordance with the wishes of an individual or a group of persons, unless otherwise stipulated by this Agreement or additions to it.

1.8. The following terms and definitions are used in this Agreement:

1.8.1. Platform (kraudfandingovaya platform URENKA) — a set of data on the Internet (web pages), united by a single theme, design and a single address space for the domain evreiul.com and its subdomains. The launch page of the Platform is available on the Internet at https://evreiul.com/;

1.8.2. The owner of the Platform is the Public Organization «Ulyanovsk Regional Jewish National Cultural Autonomy» (OO «URENKA»), OGRN 1037301682978, INN / CAT 7325043641/732501001, address (location): 432063, Ulyanovsk Region, Ulyanovsk, Lenin Street, 105 , which owns the administration rights of the Platform. Details of the Platform Owner are posted on the «Contacts» page of the Platform;

1.8.3. The administration of the URENKA Platform (Platform Administration) is the authorized employees of the Platform Owner who, in accordance with the authority granted, administers and provides technical support for the work of the Platform;

1.8.4. Platform users are all individuals who in one way or another use the functions and services of the Platform;

1.8.5. Platform Service is a part of the Platform, endowed with a specially designed interface aimed at performing special tasks (for example, for co-financing (crowadding) of individual projects);

1.8.6. Content — any information and software content of the Platform, including but not limited to: texts, comments, announcements, photo and / or video materials, design elements, illustrations, scripts, programs for electronic computers (including games and applications), databases, placed on the Platform.

1.9. Terminology not included in this section may be interpreted in other sections and articles of this Agreement.

Personal Information of the User
2.1. The user, in the case of placing on the Platform (transfer via the Platform) information related to the personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, agrees to their processing in accordance with the Policy regarding the processing of the personal data of the Platform Owner and use of the provided personal data by the Platform Owner for the purpose of implementation authorized activity of the Platform Owner and fulfillment of obligations to the User in accordance with this Agreement.

2.2. By accepting this Agreement, the User agrees to receive advertising and information messages and materials of the Platform by e-mail or by phone (sms-message) specified by the User on the Platform. If the User does not wish to receive the information specified in this clause, he must request the cancellation of information to the Administration of the Platform by sending an electronic message in the «Contacts» section of the Platform.

Rights and obligations of the User of the Platform
3.1. The user of the Platform is obliged:

3.1.1. to comply with this Agreement, the Policy regarding the processing of the personal data of the Platform Owner and other rules, the terms of which are placed on the Platform;
3.1.2. to observe the property and non-property rights of authors and other rightholders when using the Platform;
3.1.3. Do not take action that can be considered as disrupting the normal work of the Platform;
3.1.4. to avoid any actions, as a result of which confidentiality of information protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation may be violated;
3.1.5. if there is any doubt as to the legality of the implementation of certain actions on the Platform, including the placement of information or the provision of access to it, refrain from carrying out such actions.
3.2. The user is prohibited from:
3.2.1. Use the Platform in any way that violates the terms of this Agreement, Policies regarding the processing of personal data of the Platform Owner and / or the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
3.2.2. copy, modify, modify, publish, transfer objects of rights to the results of the intellectual property of the Platform Owner, create derivative works, manufacture or sell products based on them, reproduce, display or otherwise exploit or use such rights without the express permission of their owners;
3.2.3. Use the Platform in a malicious manner or in a way that may interfere with the normal and smooth operation of the Platform;
3.2.4. perform or attempt to access the Platform or any part / function / service of the Platform, as well as any network connected to the Platform, in an unauthorized manner, including the use of any devices, programs or processes, algorithms or any other automatic devices for obtain access to the Platform, purchase, copy or track any part thereof, bypassing the used Platform navigation system, to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information using the Special funds not specifically provided through the Platform.

4. Rights and obligations of the Administration of the Platform
4.1. The Administration of the Platform has the right to remove or restrict (block) access to any information placed on the Platform, as well as to block access to any Platform for the User without prior notification of the latter and without explaining the reasons for such actions on the part of the Administration of the Platform.
4.2. The Administration of the Platform has the right to forward to the User the advertising and information messages and materials of the Platform, in accordance with clause 2.2. of this Agreement, as well as to advertise on the Platform its own activities and services, as well as the activities of third parties.
4.3. The Administration of the Platform is not obliged to conduct preliminary verification, moderation or censorship of the User’s information. As a general rule, the Administration of the Platform takes actions to protect the rights and interests of individuals and ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation only after the interested person applies to the Administration of the Platform in accordance with the established procedure.
4.4. The Administration of the Platform reserves the right at any time to change the design of any pages of the Platform, their contents, a list of functions and services, modify or supplement the scripts, software and other objects used, any server applications with prior notification to Users or without it.
4.5. The Administration ensures the functioning and operation of the Platform and undertakes to restore its operability promptly in the event of technical failures and interruptions. The Administration of the Platform is not responsible for temporary failures and interruptions in the work of the Platform and the resulting loss of information. The Administration shall not be liable for any damage to the computer or other device of the User or any other person, to any other equipment or software caused by or associated with the downloading of materials or transitions from links posted on the Platform.
4.6. The Administration of the Platform has the right to dispose of statistical information related to the functioning of the Platform provided by Users with information to provide targeted display of advertising information to various audiences of the Platform.

5. Intellectual property rights
5.1. Exclusive rights to all software components, on the basis of which the functions and services of the Platform work, on page design, as well as subdomain names formed on its basis, the corresponding logos belong to the Platform Owner and can not be used without his written consent.
5.2. All exclusive rights to the Content (with the exception of the software owned by the Platform Owner) placed on the Platform belong to their rightholders. The user does not have the right to violate the intellectual rights of third parties.

5.3. The platform may contain links to other resources on the Internet that are owned by third parties. The Owner and the Administration of the Platform are not responsible for any information posted on the websites of third parties to which the User accesses through the Platform or through the content of third parties. When moving from the pages of the Platform to the pages of third-party sites, the Platform does not have to warn the User about such a transition and its consequences.

6. Finance and payment
6.1. Functions and services The Platforms are provided to Users on a no-cost basis, which does not exclude the introduction of separate paid functions and services.
6.2. In case of purchase of goods (services), offers on which are placed on the pages of the Platform, the User is obliged to carefully read the terms and procedure for their purchase. All relevant functions and services are accompanied by necessary and sufficient explanations. If the User is not familiar with the rules for using the appropriate functions and services, the User should refrain from using such functions and services. The reference to the absence and / or ambiguity of the explanations is not grounds for the User’s release from possible risks.
6.3. Commitment by the User of actions related to the acquisition of goods, services, participation in crowdfunding, etc. are committed by the User using the functions and services of the Platform.

7. Warranty and responsibility
7.1. The Platform assumes no responsibility for the compliance of the functions and services with the objectives of a particular User and as a consequence does not guarantee that the functions and services will comply with the User’s personal requirements, including with regard to continuity, speed, reliability and correctness.
7.2. Information (information) received by the User using the functions and services of the Platform, the User uses at his own risk, the User is liable for any damage that may be caused to his computer and his data as a result of downloading materials from the Platform or in connection with the User’s transition to links posted on the Platform.
7.3. In any circumstances, the responsibility of the Platform Owner in accordance with Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is limited to 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles and is assigned to him if there is a fault in his actions.

8. Final Provisions
8.1. The Owner of the Platform provides unrestricted access to this Agreement to any interested person, by publishing it on the Platform.
8.2. This Agreement can be changed by the Administration of the Platform without special personal notification of each User of the Platform.
8.3. The entry into force of the new Agreement begins after it is published on the Platform, unless the amended Agreement does not imply a different placement option.
8.4. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.5. The invalidity of certain provisions of this Agreement shall not entail the invalidity of its other conditions.
8.6. This Agreement is made in Russian. The agreement, stated in another language, is an additional version of this Agreement. In the event of a divergence of the Russian version of the Agreement and an additional version in a different language, the provisions of the Russian version of this Agreement shall apply.
8.7. In the event of disputes or disagreements arising from the implementation of this Agreement, Users and the Administration of the Platform will use their best endeavors to resolve them through negotiation. In the event that disputes are not resolved through negotiation, disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.