The city of joy lives with its own calendar and peacock
«Who goes to visit in the morning-
He acts wisely!
Taram-pam-pam, taram-pam-pam
That’s why it is morning «
And on Sunday morning we meet with the guys from the «Ir Smekha» Sunday school (city of joy) Jews | Ulyanovsk | JewishLife in the classroom on electronic textbooks on Jewish tradition and travel across Israel, well, where without imagination and creativity.
Today they repeated the information on the lunar and solar calendars, finds of treasures and artifacts in Israel and created their own peacock …
From napkins and toilet paper rolls, with the help of our own hands, we made a body, added a little gouache and glue on cardboard — and here he is — the hero of our lesson!
And we found a funny tale about him))
And next Sunday, when all the guys will show their handsome peacocks, the Arkady-Plastov Museum in Ulyanovsk will tell them a story about the peacock and Plastov.
We will also have an eco-lesson, but more on that in a week …