Unity of nations. Day ten

Day ten. We are talking about Mordovians.

An amazing people who have two equivalent subethnos — Erzya and Moksha, which make up a single people.

Mordva greatly revered the gods associated with the forest, swamp, nature and the keepers of the house. Among the crafts, the amazing wooden sculptures that glorified Erzya stood out, beaded embroidery for women, a pulai belt that weighed from 9 to 16 (!) Kilograms and distinctive headdresses. Mokshanochek could be heard by the chime of the bells.

The «Bear’s Paw» is considered a tasty dish among the people, and in general they treat bears with great respect, as well as the favorite delicacy of these kings of the forest — honey.
Borting is a special craft revered by the Mordovian people.

The children of the international online camp «Unity of the Nation in the Unity of Victory» were visited by
Shibanova Lyubov Mikhailovna is the head of the department of the CMK OGBUK «Center of folk culture of the Ulyanovsk region», and the first master class on how to make jewelry from pompons was shown by Elena V. Novikova.

The guys also sculpted a lamb from plasticine and drew a forest, a bear and hives with bees.

We saw two fairy tales from Moksha and Erzya, and also learned about the hero of the Great Patriotic War.

We learned new words, for example, «Shumbrat!» — which means «hello»!
And in the round dance of friends in a paper garland, we added new national costumes, which cannot but please — after all, now in our friendly round dance there are more nations that we know better and are ready to be friends with them)).

And tomorrow there will be a new day and new master classes, people and guests))